What Does 2 3 Odds Mean


Definition of odd odds. Well, I guess the 'odds' in 'overcome the odds' means kind of 'diffculties'. But I cannot find such kind of explaining in dictionary (oxford dict online) nor in 'Practical Everyday English (by Steven. Odds and ends, are the little things that have to been done, butreally aren't more important than anything else, but, nevertheless,must be done. Miscellaneous/ assorted objects.


The odds in favor of an event or a proposition is defined by the ratio of the probability that the event will happen to the probability that it will not happen. For example, the odds that a randomly chosen day of the week is a Sunday are one to six, which is sometimes written 1 : 6.; see section 1.5 of Gelman et al..'Odds' are an expression of relative probabilities. Often 'odds' are quoted as odds against, rather than as odds in favor. For example, the probability that a random day is a Sunday is one-seventh, hence the odds that a random day is a Sunday are 1 : 6. The odds against a random day being a Sunday are 6 : 1. The first figure represents the number of ways of failing to achieve the outcome and the second figure is the number of ways of achieving a favorable outcome.In probability theory and Bayesian statistics, odds may sometimes be more natural or more convenient than probabilities. This is often the case in problems of sequential decision making as for instance in problems of how to stop on a last specific event which is solved by the odds algorithm.Stating 'odds against' is a convenient way to propose a bet. When a bookmaker offers betting odds of 6 : 1 against some event occurring, it means that he is prepared to pay out a prize of six times the stake, and return the stake as well, to anyone who places a bet, by making the stake, that the event will occur. If the event does not occur, then the bookmaker keeps the stake. For example, a winning bet of 10 at 6 : 1 against will win '6 × 10 = 60' with the original 10 stake also being returned. Betting odds are skewed to ensure that the bookmaker makes a profit — if true odds were offered the bookmaker would break even in the long run — so the numbers do not represent the bookmaker's true odds.

The meaning of 'against all odds' is:

even though something seems completely impossible

The definition of 'against all odds' is:

even though something seems completely impossible

'against all odds' meansWhat Does 2 3 Odds Mean

even though something seems completely impossible

Example Sentences:

What does 2-3 odds mean

When Canada defeated Brazil in the football final, it was an against all odds victory.

Boy: Would you like to go on a date with me?
Girl: I don’t think so.
Boy: Why not?
Girl: It’s against all odds, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Boy: What do you mean?
Girl: You’re unattractive, have terrible clothes, and are rude. I’m a beautiful young woman.
Boy: I see.

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